

well hello, 2011! nice to see you. you're looking great so far.

so far, 2011 is off to a great start. minus half of the dallas cab force going on strike and consequently making me walk 2.8 miles home from the west end with rebecca on NYE in heels, in the dark, in 35 degrees, by ourselves, in the middle of downtown dallas, with rebecca's iphone directions on 'walking'...you get the picture...NYE was a blast. actually, looking back even that part wasn't bad. i got to spend the second/third hour of 2011 walking with my best friend in the freezing cold talking about hilarious things. a walk that ended in making velveta shells and cheese at 3 a.m. with salt and pepper, and eating it out of the pot because there was no reason to get bowls dirty and have to do dishes at 3 a.m. a walk that will one day be a "hey remember that time we walked home at 2 a.m. on NYE then ate mac and cheese?" story. and those are the best kind of stories.

a look into my 2011:

Day 1 of 2011: Brunch with my roomies and 3 great new friends, watching football all day (part of the day in 3D, yes, football in 3D), and a Sooner BCS VICTORY!! - I've waiting a long time to say that! and a LOT of laughter.

Day 2: doing literally nothing. sleeping in, lunch @ chipotle with KK, cowboys victory, watching easy a, ordering delivery food with KK, watching more football, ending the day watching ESPN 30 for 30 pony excess (which is a story combining two of my most favorite things: football and journalism) with the roomies and scott. overall, a very lazy day on our amazing white couch, aka the "relaxation station".

Day 3: the bachelor starts (and GREEK!!!!)! which means girl's night is back on. the menu for tonight: chicken piccata (no capers). i'm excited to spend time with my girls and watch bad, mindless tv for a couple of hours.

Day 5: wednesday night dinner: spaghetti carbonara

Day 6: HOUSTON BESTIES COME IN TOWN! anxiously awaiting the arrival of alli, sara and caitlin for cotton bowl (played not at the cotton bowl) weekend.

Day 7: more football

Day 8: highly anticipated wedding festivities of a friend from elementary school/middle school/high school. can't wait. seriously.

Day 14: NORMAN!

Day 15: watching a very dear friend from college walk down the isle with his bride.

...like i said - i'm really liking the way 2011 is starting. lots of things to be excited about and look forward to. feeling very blessed.

since the turn of the calendar, i have been thinking about my resolutions. historically, i suck at keeping resolutions. so this year i'm going to keep it simple. here is my (highly edited and revised) list of resolutions for 2011:

1. work out 3 times a week.
2. read one book a month.
3. continue to learn how to surrender my fears of the future to my Savior and trust in his all perfect timing for my life.
4. drink less dr. pepper.

i feel pretty confident about #2. the others take some effort. #4 takes a LOT of effort, let's be serious. #1 will just take me actually getting out of bed when my alarm goes off (that is, if apple ever fixes the alarm on my phone). #2 is starting with crazy love: overwhelmed by a relentless God by Francis Chan. this is actually helping with #3.

"Have you ever thought about how diverse and creative God is? He didn't have to make hundreds of different kinds of bananas, but He did. He didn't have to put 3,000 different species of trees within one square mile in the Amazon jungle, but He did...How about the way plants defy gravity by drawing water upward from the ground into their stems and veins?...Or what about the simple fact that plants take in carbon dioxide (which is harmful to us) and produce oxygen (which we need to survive)?...Whatever God's reasons for such diversity, creativity, and sophistication in the universe, on earth, and in our own bodies, the point of it all is His glory. God's art speaks of Himself, reflecting who He is and what He is like...This is why we are called to worship him. His art, His handiwork and his creation all echo the truth that He is glorious. There is no other like Him. He is the King of Kings, the Beginning and the End, the One who was and is and is to come..." (Crazy Love, Chan)

hundreds of types of bananas? 3,000 kinds of trees in one square mile? He has thought of everything. try to imagine that. thinking of everything. i forget at least one thing about only my own life daily. he's thought of and planned out our everything. and he has done it all flawlessly. we may not see it as flawless...yet. but one day, i know i will look back and think to myself, 'wow, that was all timed perfectly'. just as he promised.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

no matter what, He has a plan for me. and it is a plan filled with joy and sadness and laughter and pain and happiness. all perfectly timed so that i end up in the place where He wants me. the place that he has been directing me my whole life. with every right decision, every mistake, every relationship, every loss.

that's amazingly comforting.

much more comforting than the thought of drinking less dr. pepper. keeping 3 out of 4 resolutions isn't bad, right?


  1. Capers are gross. This is why we are friends.

  2. i actually remember going to (what i think was) charlestons with you while i was still at tech and you got chicken piccata NO CAPERS. and you basically yelled it at the waitress.

    haha. this is why we are friends.

    now can you blog? i need to know reason #3 about why OU is awesome.
