
The Small Things

Retail at Christmas time makes me want to hit something. Had a hellacious day. Worked from 10-7:30. Then I came home, ran and saw a shooting star - and now it's better. God works in small, wonderfully mysterious ways.


Wacky Wednesday

I'm feeling very scatter-brained today, so I don't make any promised that this post will be cohesive at all...

I don't know what it is about Wednesday, but it seems as though ALL the crazies come out on Wednesday. Maybe it was the snow? I don't know, but boy work was entertaining tonight. Between the people watching and all of the crazy questions we were asked, the 9 hours really flew by! I really enjoy working retail a lot more around the holidays...all the shoppers make the time go by much faster.

I've started making my list of Christmas gifts to buy for my family and friends. I do this every year. I try to get too creative and then end up waiting until the last minute because nothing I come up with is creative enough. Maybe since I acknowledged it early this year, I'll be better about it? Probably not, but its worth a shot. So far, I've come up with 4 gifts. Only about 20 left to go!

I realized today how much I miss Norman in the winter. When I saw the snow this morning, all I wanted to be doing was sitting in Crimson Park D205 watching a movie (which would more likely be ESPN, let's be honest) and cooking all of my friends dinner. But I wasn't. I was in Texas. That is the only time in my life where "I was in Texas" was said almost negatively. Norman has so much character in the winter. It's cold and so windy that it takes your breath away. It's bare trees, basically ice skating to class, wondering when it will ice again so we can have no class. It's that odd transition from football to basketball. It's Ugg boots and North Face. It's studying and Starbucks and counting down the hours until your last final. It's pulling all nighters and eating all the finals snacks at the Deej. It's perfect. And I miss it. So to those of you who are experiencing a Norman winter: I am jealous. You should enjoy it while you can - you don't realize how much you like it until your first winter away.

I'll leave you with some pictures of OU in the winter and the watch that I would LOVE to get for Christmas...

...I told you this entry would be random.



So it's a few days after Thanksgiving, but it's never too late to be thankful, right? I love thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday -next to my birthday, of course (but let's be real, I'm the only one that considers that a holiday). I love everything about turkey day: the food, the people, the football and most of all the reason we celebrate. I have so much to be thankful for. I try to realize it every day of the year but sometimes it seems as though life gets in the way of that. My Thanksgiving Resolution (I'm no good at New Years resolutions, so I'm trying something different this year) for this year is to try to focus on the positive things and realize how blessed I am each and every day. And maybe to go to the gym a little more this holiday season.

10 things I am thankful for today:

- my wonderful family
- my best friends
- my faith
- having a job
- spending thanksgiving with 4 generations of my family
- my mistakes that have gotten me to where I am today
- Chuck
- my favorite blanket
- umbrellas
- the holiday season

In other news, I have to work ALOT this week. I was off today and it was wonderful. I wish it would've included picking Chuck up from the airport instead of dropping him off there, but I'll take any lazy, raniy, John Mayer listening, football watching Sunday that I can get. Also, I got to see Elyse this week! So glad she and Matt came to see me at work, great surprise - Can't wait until you come back for Christmas! (P.S. Matt, you should get her the boots :) ) You're welcome, Elyse.


i might be obsessed with battle studies...

"and when i look behind on all my younger times, i'll have to thank the wrongs that led me to a love so strong."


Handel, Pachabel and the Aggie War Hymn

Abby, Kristina, Rebecca and I survived the journey to College Station last night. In a 2-door Altima (at least I had shotgun). We got here at 9:30, set up the snacks and then headed to the 7 F Lodge to set up for the wedding. After we arranged and rearranged and rearranged, I conquered my fear of heights and climbed the railing to hang lights on the perfectly spaced, pre-installed hooks. This place has hosted a wedding or two in its tenure. Rebecca, Kristina and I then became professional pew bow makers. I'd say we did pretty rockin' - Take that As Seen on TV E-Z Bow maker.

Today we are making breakfast, playlists (priority #1 of songs from the groom side was the Aggie War Hymn. Thanks and gig 'em.), programs, hanging more Christmas lights, setting up candles and praying the 100% chance of rain is lying. Days like this with my best friends make me feel so blessed. We could literally get each other through anything. Life doesn't even bother to give us lemons anymore, we've already made the lemonade.

"Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love." 1 Corinthians 13:4. Today we celebrate Michael and Jess. Best of Luck to you Mr. and Mrs. James, may the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past. We love you both!


Here goes nothin'...

So, I have finally caved in and entered the blogging world (you're welcome, Elyse). I have had a lot of pretty genius (if you ask me) thoughts lately, and have decided I need a place to store them. Lucky you. Now, I'm not promising much, but I do hope I can make this a regular thing.

A little background...

My name is Stephanie Crook. I grew up in a very small town called Celina, Texas. I get asked alot if I hated growing up in the microscope of small town Texas. My answer: I wouldn't change it for the world. It helped mold me into who I am today. God put some very special people in my life through living in Celina, and for that I am very thankful. I am also a recent graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Public Relations. I have since been praying and searching and searching and searching (you get the picture) for a job. Almost 6 months to the day after graduation, I finally got the call - Starting in January, I will be working in the member relations department of a country club in North Dallas. God is so good.

I don't believe in math. I sleep like it's my job. I LOVE to cook and "read" cookbooks with pictures. I like doing things for other people. I hope with all of my heart that I live to see the day someone cures breast cancer. I love the lake, the lone star state and L.A. I absolutely believe that the little things make life worthwhile. Birthdays are the best days of the year - hands down - and mine usually last for oh, about 3 weeks. I have an irrational fear of not having control of my feet and I really hate socks. I am hopelessly addicted to Dr. Pepper and One Tree Hill. I will be the change that I want to see. I love words and how the right words can literally change someone's life. I do not, however, share the same love for capital letters and I apologize in advance for the lack of correct capitalization. I believe in the power of love and I believe in second chances and I believe that dreams come true everyday.

So there you have it - me in two paragraphs.

Until next time...